Fern artificial 68 cm
9.24 €Planta Feto Artificial 59 cm
11.21 €Fern of the Woods 50 cm
11.91 €13.06 €Lavanda artificial 52 cm
14.76 €Tufo Fougere 75 cm
15.33 €16.25 €Feto B2 50 cm
16.35 €16.84 €Tufo Vine artificial 68 cm
17.52 €Tufo Spatiphyllum 65 cm
17.96 €Planta Sensiviera 60 cm
20.10 €Planta Sensiviera 60 cm
20.10 €Tufo Lycopodium 70 cm
23.36 €Tufo Aspargus 50 cm
24.44 €Tufo Sensevieria 75 cm
24.61 €Tufo Sensevieria 75 cm
24.65 €Estrelicia 50 cm
26.38 €Tillandsia Artificial 60 cm
26.38 €Tufo Hortensia 50 cm
26.70 €Dracena Fragrans 53 cm
29.70 €Onion Grass New 90 cm
31.44 €Erva Onion Grass 60 / 90 / 120 cm
33.04 €Tufo Onion Grass 60 cm
34.78 €Planta Begonia Maculata 70 cm
37.16 €Ficus Natasja em Vaso 60 cm
38.68 €Foxtail 90 cm
40.77 €Foxtail GF 90 cm
40.77 €Zamia plant artificial 60 cm
41.73 €Fern Boston 75 75 cm
41.98 €Fern Kokedama 95 / 130 / 170 cm
42.51 €Philo Pot 60 cm
43.54 €Cactus finger artificial 60 / 85 / 120 / 140 cm
46.94 €Erva Fina 60 cm
47.01 €Artificial Lyrata Plant 60 / 90 / 130 / 190 cm
49.36 €Planta Spathiphhyllum 80 cm
49.93 €Cactus Finger 60 / 95 / 150 cm
50.33 €Fern Boston Luxe 65 cm
50.37 €Erva Onion Grass 60 / 90 / 120 cm
50.93 €Schefflera artificial 50 cm
51.96 €Estrilicia 95 cm
53.37 €55.10 €Planta Agave 60 cm
56.43 €Diffenbachia em Vaso 51 cm
56.92 €Anthurium 50 cm
57.00 €Yucca Rostrata 60 cm
60.58 €Ervas Onion Grass 95 / 125 cm
61.50 €Cactus tri artificial 58 / 75 / 104 cm
63.16 €Erva Onion Grass 60 / 70 cm
64.54 €66.56 €Planta Dracaena Anita 75 cm
67.55 €Planta Philodendron 75 cm
68.01 €Planta Alocasia 65 cm
68.39 €Planta Erva Honey Grass 80 / 115 cm
69.32 €Philodendron Selloum 50 cm
71.20 €Fern Boston 50 cm
71.20 €
Artificial Plants
Our artificial plants are produced using techniques and materials that make them easily confused with their natural equivalents. These articles are especially recommended for public spaces, whether in stores or malls and other places where you want to convey a touch of nature. All Plants are for indoor use sheltered from sun and rain unless otherwise noted (UV)
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